Korb, the British duo comprising Alec Wood and Jonathan Parkes, redefines the boundaries of interplanetary psychedelia with their classic yet exploratory blend of space rock. Transcending temporal confines, they draw from diverse sonic epochs – embracing 70s sounds, harnessing modern modular synths, experimenting with contemporary effects, and then catapulting into the astral waves of deep space. The resulting music embodies an exquisite paradox, feeling both nostalgically retro and boldly futuristic – a timeless melody beyond the realm of years.
Their sound bears an inherent assurance, with synth-laden compositions punctuated by interludes of powerful guitars that can uplift the spirit or stir the mind. Their music navigates a spectrum of emotional landscapes, sometimes teetering on the edges of the unfamiliar, yet always steering the listener safely past any perceived threats. Through their musical journeys across infinity, Korb encounters gods, hunters, lords, and priests, fearlessly integrating these encounters into their ever-expanding soundscape. Embodying a sort of musical Time Lords, Korb constructs intricate patterns that resonate with familiarity, prompting listeners to wonder why these patterns have remained unnoticed until now. Their music, as timeless as it is captivating, establishes Korb as an irresistible force in the psych scene.