VASAELETH Crypt Born & Tethered




SKU: 617408093921 Categories: ,


Black.In 2010 Death Metal duo Vasaeleth released their debut LP “Cryptborn & Tethered To Ruin”, a violent, domineering march of unholy Death Metal blasphemy. Equal parts blasting chaos and slowed down battery, Cryptborn was a monstrous album that instantly signaled Vasaeleth as a top contender for the US Death Metal throne. Released on vinyl by the resolutely underground Swedish label Blood Harvest in limited quantity the scorching LP has been out of print for some time, demanding increasing sums in the second hand market. 20 Buck Spin now makes Cryptborn available domestically on vinyl again to the pleasure of all wrathful deities.

Additional information

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 33 × 33 × .5 cm
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